Friday, December 18, 2020

Christmas Gift - December 19th

 It's been another crazy, busy day.  We enjoy watching TV after dinner and have been looking for a good series to binge watch or a good movie.  If you have any recommendations, please share.  We have Netflix and Prime.

Here is your gift for today.  ENJOY!

Download HERE


scrapbookingGirl said...

Leverage starring Timothy Hutton
Hallmark or Lifetime movies

Lisel said...

Yes, Leverage is a good one, also Burn Notice. Thank you for the goodies!

Scarette said...

I have yet to investigate Netflix! I have it and I pay for it but I am a bit ditzy also! Thanks for another super Christmas Treat!

Shannon said...

Yeah we don't do streaming services. Up until recently we did not have good internet and also paid per GB so it wasn't an option. We've yet to take the leap! lol
Thank you for the beautiful goodies!

Mom2mykids said...

Thanks for all the goodies! I appreciate them so much! As for good shows, wow, there are a lot! I loved Virgin River; it's on Netflix and there are two seasons now. It's kind of a romance? but has other elements to it as well (mystery, etc.). Longmire is excellent. It takes place in a small county in Wyoming and the lead character is the sheriff. Once I convinced my husband to start watching it, he was hooked. I am a big Trekkie, so any of the Star Trek series on Amazon Prime and/or Netflix are good. We also watched Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, and Stargate Universe. All three are on Amazon, I think. Oh, just remembered one I really liked called Away, which is on Netflix. It's about a woman who is the commander of a space mission who struggles with leaving her husband (wheelchair bound) and daughter. I really liked it. If I think of any more I will pop back and let you know!

Just thought of more haha. I'm a big fan of British drama, and highly recommend Broadchurch on Netflix. Also Hinterland is excellent. It's a Welsh drama and was actually filmed in both Welsh and English.