Sunday, December 10, 2023

Christmas Gift - December 10, 2023

 I am exhausted.  Too much this past week.  I still haven't finished my Christmas Cards though I only send out a few actual cards to family and close friends.  We used to send hundreds - business and personal.  Years ago we quit sending actual cards and instead make a donation to our local homeless shelter.  We send cards out via e-mail instead.  Because, let's face it, who actually reads the cards?  Most that we get are cards with just a signature (sometimes printed).  No note or anything personal.  It's nice to know that the person is thinking of you, but such a waste of money.  Ah, but that's just me.  Do you send out Christmas cards?

Here is your gift for today.  ENJOY!

I hope it goes without saying - if you spot an error in any of my designs, PLEASE let me know and I will fix it.  I am not perfect and sometimes in too much of a hurry.  My feelings will not be hurt.  I will appreciate the opportunity to make it right.  Having said that, I spotted a slight error in my train quickpage from December 9th.  The main download has been fixed and I posted just the train QP for those who already downloaded the set and just want the fixed page.  Thanks!


Anonymous said...

I, on the other hand, enjoy sending and receiving Christmas Cards. I read them all and display them by hanging them along my mantel during the Christmas season. With all the junk mail I receive daily, Christmas cards are personal, and I truly look forward to receiving them every year. I will be saddened if sending Christmas cards becomes a lost art. Thank you for your digi gift - The dog by the tree is adorable. If possible, it would also be great to include one with a "Kitty" in Santa's bag. 8-)
Thank you!

Pat said...

Thanks again; hope you had a pleasant weekend.

Pat said...

Oops didn't answer the question. No I don't send Christmas cards anymore.

Scarette said...

I usually send out many cards but we're not having our big Christmas party this year so I am sending out about 30 of them. I just have to write and address them all now! HOHOHO