Monday, January 9, 2023

Tuesday Treat - January 9, 2023

 I am feeling much better.  Tired, but better.  I spent some time designing yesterday and doing some layouts (YAY!)  Most of the few Christmas decorations are down and put away.  Our daughter will come over to bring the last few downstairs.  How are you all doing?  When do you take down decorations?  We put ours up the day after Thanksgiving.  I know a lot of people put them up early - sometimes before Halloween - and are probably sick of them by the time Christmas is over. But, for us, it has always been after January 6th (the Epiphany).  Well, here are a couple of gifts for you.  I hope you can use them.  ENJOY!


Anonymous said...

Thank you... ideally decorations come down after the Epiphany but this year they were put up late so they'll be up a little while longer.

Lisel said...

Thank you!
Glad you are feeling better.

Scarette said...

Our Christmas Tree is still up! It's the first artificial tree we've bought but it is so pretty and sparkly with lights, we've put off taking it down.

Anonymous said...

Thank you
- same decorating time frame - day after Turkey Day up and down Epiphany.