Monday, December 12, 2022

Christmas Gift - December 13, 2022

 Another rainy, dreary day.  Our daughter and SIL came over yesterday with our great-grandson Max (the cutest little guy!) and retrieved some Christmas decorations from the basement.  We don't do a big Christmas tree anymore.  They hung the huge Christmas wreath on the front of the house, two small trees on either side of the front door, and inside, our ceramic tree, table centerpiece and of course, our beautiful wood carved Nativity scene.  Now the house looks Christmas-y!

I am listening to Christmas music on my Echo Show.  I read on FB today something that said "call someone you've been meaning to call today ...", so that is exactly what I did.  Funny how talking to an old friend and catching up can make you feel so good.  And, I am working on my Christmas cards.  I always do my own.  Every year I email most of my cards and donate the money I would have spent on them to the homeless shelter in town.  But, I do mail cards to the family and close friends.

Anyway, enough chatter.  Here is your gift for today.  Something different. ENJOY!


Anonymous said...

Thank you!!

Michèle Adam said...

Je me suis levée à 8h00, et il faisait soleil et -8°C ! D'habitude il fait moins froid en décembre, mais le temps change ... Il a déjà neigé, ce qui souvent arrive en janvier ou février. Je commencerai mon sapin dans quelques jours, chez nous c'est après la Saint-Nicolas - le 6 décembre - fête des enfants.
Portez-vous bien et à demain. Michèle

Gala said...

Thanks a lot for the wonderful gift!