Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Tuesday Treat - February 23rd

I think the snow might be over for a while.  It is really deep!  Our driveway had three feet of snow the other day and we couldn't find anyone to plow it out as our regular guy was super busy.  We asked the neighbors for recommendations and found one guy who said he would be over that afternoon.  Later that morning our regular guy called us from the street to say he came to plow but someone had snow-blowed our driveway already!  We have no idea who did it and no one will fess up so we can thank them.  We've had to have it plowed two more times since then.  The guys who plow do not do sidewalks (they don't get out of the truck) and we don't even know where our sidewalk is, there is so much snow.  LOL.  But, we are nothing like Texas.  We have been praying for those poor people!

Anyway, here are the last of the Valentine treats.  I hope you like them.   ENJOY!

Download HERE

1 comment:

Scarette said...

It seems to be getting a little bit better in Texas. Those poor folks! Thank you so much for these beautiful Freebies.