Monday, March 23, 2020

Tuesday Treat - March 24th

Okay, is everyone going stir crazy yet?  My hubby is going nuts.  I don't get around easily so I am used to staying at home, but he is not.  And, I have to admit, he is getting grumpy.  We have a wonderful neighbor who has been getting our groceries for us and Walmart pickup/delivery/curbside (for prescriptions) has been wonderful if you can get a time slot.  But I had a few minutes to whip something up for you as hubby is napping in front of the TV ... ENJOY!
Download HERE


Scarette said...

We are doing well here in Michigan. I like being home. I am moving all my graphics and picture files and learning to use my new-ish computer. I have all my artsy fartsy stuff and a big old cuddly kitty nearby. My husband has been out a few times doing errands AND wearing his gloves. He likes his TV and has projects too. Our daughter and granddaughters are less than five minutes away. So all is pretty good right now (especially when a surprise from Patchas shows up in my mailbox)!

patchas said...

Glad to hear. I have so many projects going. I am usually house-bound, so nothing much has changed except no visitors. I have been catching up on my TV shows and crocheting a lot for charity. I've kind of lost my mojo for scrapbooking, so haven't done much of that lately. Stay safe!!