Monday, February 7, 2022

Tuesday Treat - February 8, 2022

 We had 10-12 inches of snow this past week.  It was beautiful!  But, of course, I didn't have to go out so it was nice to look out the window and see the pristine landscape.  Our county is good about plowing and they had the plows out long before it quit snowing.  Our plow guy though didn't do the driveway until Saturday and then we had to call him because he forgot to shovel the walk.

Here is a Valentine quickpage and some wordart for you.  I had three different versions of the quickpage - two with some kind of doodad (bow, flowers) on the top of the heart, but just really didn't like them, so you are getting the plain one.  You can add your own cluster there if you want,  ENJOY!    


Anonymous said...

I like the plain one - Thank you :)

Anonymous said...

Very pretty and different. Thank you!

Scarette said...

So lovely! Thank you very much!