Monday, August 30, 2021

Tuesday Treat - August 31

 Another month gone by and summer is almost over.  We've had lots of storms this month but nothing serious.  Our prayers are with those in the path of hurricane Ida.  It is so awful!

Our daughter is in the hospital.  She had hernia surgery a few weeks ago and has been running a fever.  She was shaking so bad Saturday night and Sunday morning that her brother took her to the ER.  She had a kidney transplant a few years ago and has an infection in that kidney.  We are praying it is nothing too serious and that some antibiotics will take care of the problem.  At least she is where the doctors can keep an eye on her.

Today is a bad day again.  I didn't sleep hardly at all last night (the fact that I forgot to take my pills last night probably didn't help) and I don't function well if I don't get a good night's rest.  I kept hubby up most of the night too, so he is not feeling well either.  Ugh.  Old age sucks.

Anyway, here are a couple of quick pages and a word art for you.  Hope you like and can use them.  ENJOY!

Download HERE


Ruth (Tedasgram) said...

Beautiful!! Thank you so much!

Lisel said...

I'm so sorry about your daughter, I pray sepsis won't set in, and that the antibiotics are able to kill the infection.
I'm also sorry you didn't sleep well.
I know all too much about not sleeping, I also take medication for it, but sometimes not even that works.
Hopefully you and your hubby both can get some much needed rest tonight.
Thank you for the goodies!

Scarette said...

My friend had a kidney transplant. She was in a car accident and had to go through a second transplant. Her nephew donated it and it worked out really well. I'm hoping your daughter will be better soon.