Monday, May 24, 2021

Tuesday Treat - May 25th

 Hubby hurt his back again.  We are praying it is not another fracture.  Spent the day at the doctor's office and then the hospital for tests.  He does not know how he did it, but started feeling really bad around Friday.  He wouldn't go to the ER as he kept thinking it would get better with time, but decided this morning to go have it checked out as he had to sleep in his recliner last night and is in a lot of pain. 

A few different things for you today.  Hope you like them.  ENJOY!

Download HERE


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your husband. I so hope his back will feel better real soon. Thank you for the gift.

KM said...

So very sorry your hubby is experiencing back issues. Prayers for successful diagnosis and recovery.

Thank you for sharing your digital talent with us.


Anonymous said...

So sorry about your husband. Praying he feels better soon. Thank you for more cute digi.

Lisel said...

Back issues SUCK. I hope he is better soon!
Thank you!

Scarette said...

It is very hard to get comfortable when your back is hurting. I'm glad he got it checked out.
Thank you for another wonderful Treat.