Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Christmas Gift - December 17th

Our Christmas cards arrived yesterday and I spent the day writing notes and addressing envelopes etc.  I send the majority of our Christmas greetings via email and send the money to our homeless shelter instead, but there are some cards that we need to send -- Kids, grandkids etc. with their Christmas gift.  We will not be seeing the family this year at Christmas, although our daughter will have everyone over for dinner on Christmas day.  We have been safe so far and just don't want to take a chance.  It seems a few months ago, the virus was something we heard about on TV, but now too many people we know have come down with COVID-19 - friends, neighbors, family, and even our doctor's office!  Our prayers go out to everyone affected by this horrible pandemic, whether it be sickness, or loss of business, or no jobs.  Although we are inconvenienced by the lockdown, we don't have to worry about where our next meal is coming from, or how to pay the mortgage.  So sad.  Anyway, here is your gift for today.  ENJOY!


Scarette said...

We still need to be careful for a while longer but with the vaccines coming through feel a bit more optimistic!

Lisel said...

Yes, I have two family members in the hospital right now because of Covid. No idea if either of them are going to pull through. But I trust in God, Jesus knows what is going to happen. And I don't. So, I will do what I know to do to help slow the spread of the virus, and pray for everyone who has it.
Thank you for sharing your story as well as the freebies!

Shannon said...

Yes we'll be playing it safe as well. My daughter's birthday is tomorrow, and it will also be a quiet one at home with just us.
Thank you for the goodies! Stay safe and well.

Gala said...

Большое спасибо за прекрасные подарки!